Download: 1601614 - Report 3
About the Authors
Elizabeth Peery
Researcher and Evaluator Magnolia Consulting, LLCBeth Peery, Lead Research Assistant with Magnolia Consulting, provides support for a variety of studies through database development and management, data collection, survey management, data analysis, and report writing. At Magnolia Consulting, she assisted with an NSF-funded Advanced Technological Education (ATE) project, which set out to improve the academic-to-workforce pathways of geospatial technologies at several Virginia community colleges. Her educational experience includes in-depth training in quantitative and qualitative data collection and research methodologies.
Stephanie Wilkerson
President Magnolia Consulting, LLCStephanie B. Wilkerson, President of Magnolia Consulting, brings over 20 years of experience working on research and evaluation studies at national, state, and local levels. She has served as the principal evaluator for the NSF-funded Advanced Technological Education (ATE) project with the Virginia Space Grant Consortium and several Virginia community colleges that aim to enhance geospatial technician education to meet workforce demands. Stephanie has directed 32 randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental evaluations in the areas of STEM, reading, and English language proficiency using mixed-method designs with student assessment data, student interest surveys, instructional practices surveys, and implementation fidelity measures.
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