Tools to Help You Do Evaluation
ATE PI Checklist for Getting Started with Your Evaluation Post-Award
Use this checklist to learn about key evaluation tasks for PIs.
Get the Most Out of Your Project Evaluation: A Checklist for Using Evaluation Findings
Review 13 ways that project staff and other stakeholders can use evaluation findings throughout a project’s lifecycle.
Guide to Reporting in ATE
Projects funded by the NSF ATE program have multiple reporting requirements. This guide will help differentiate the various areas and provide helpful tips for each.
Communication Plan Checklist for ATE Principal Investigators and Evaluators
Use this checklist to help set up an evaluation communication plan.
Getting to Know an Evaluator: What Should I Ask?
Suggested questions for project to staff to ask when interviewing evaluators.
Guide to Requesting Data from Institutional Research Offices
Provides an overview of how to work with Institutional Research offices and what details to include in data requests.
Finding and Selecting an Evaluator for ATE Proposals
A guide including advice on how to locate and select an external evaluator.
Guide to Navigating the Evaluator Procurement Process
A map of the potential pathways for procuring an evaluator depending on your institutional policies and restrictions.
Evaluation Data Matrix Template
Use this matrix to clearly communicate what data will be collected as part of an evaluation, from what sources and how, by whom, when, and how it will be analyzed.
More Options to Learn About Evaluation
ATE Evaluation Primer
Get an overview of what evaluation is and find answers to frequently asked questions about ATE evaluation.
Evaluation Basics for Non-Evaluators
View short videos on what evaluation is, how much evaluation costs, why you should conduct evaluation, who should conduct evaluation, where evaluation goes in your ATE proposal, and what happens as part of an evaluation.
Evaluation Process Visual
View these two slides to learn about the four main steps in the evaluation process.
Evaluation Responsibility Diagram
View this Venn diagram to learn about the evaluation responsibilities of project staff and evaluators.
Evaluation Timeline Example
View this example timeline to get an overview of the ATE evaluation process.
Shorten the Evaluation Learning Curve: Avoid These Common Pitfalls
Read this newsletter article to learn how to avoid common mistakes PIs make when it comes to ATE evaluation.
How Can You Make Sure Your Evaluation Meets the Needs of Multiple Stakeholders?
Read this newsletter article to learn what evaluation stakeholders might need and how to meet those needs.
Expectations to Change (E2C): A Process to Promote the Use of Evaluation for Project Improvement
Read this newsletter article to learn how to establish a process to encourage use of evaluation results.
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Read this blog to learn about instances in which you might need to invoke the exit clause of an evaluation contract.