Download: Checklist_2013_ATESustainability

This 2012 checklist can be used to assess the sustainability of ATE projects and centers.

In this report, Wayne Welch describe a checklist that can be used to assess the sustainability of work carried out during the implementation of the Advanced Technological Education program funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The checklist comprises three sections; an introduction, the checklist itself, and an interpretive table. It is designed to help identify areas where sustainability has occurred, improve sustainability success, provide accountability evidence, and determine how a specific grant compares with the sustainability of other ATE projects and centers.

Disclaimer: This document was created more than five years ago. While the content may still be relevant or useful, we advise you to contact EvaluATE or your NSF program officer for matters that relate to grant management or NSF requirements.

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About the Authors

Wayne Welch

Wayne Welch


My name is Wayne Welch and I am a retired professor from the University of Minnesota. My special interests are program evaluation and STEM education. I have worked with the ATE program in several ways: I chaired the advisory panel for the ATE evaluation project at Western Michigan University from 1998 to 2006; along with Bob Reineke, I wrote the Handbook for National Research Committees; and I have had two Targeted Research Grants (2008 – 2014) to study the impact and sustainability of the ATE program

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