Upcoming Community Conversations

Photo of people in a meeting working on a whiteboard with sticky notes

April 15

ATE PIs, project evaluators, and other ATE project staff will come together to discuss strategies for managing roles, budgets, and timelines effectively. This conversation provides an opportunity to exchange best practices, share successful approaches, and gain actionable insights to enhance the management of ATE projects.

Image of evaluation books and resources with text reading May 27 2025

May 27

This community conversation brings together ATE PIs, project evaluators, and project staff to explore ways to enhance accessibility in evaluation and project communication. Participants will share strategies for using inclusive language and effective practices to ensure project reporting and communication are clear, engaging, and accessible to diverse audiences.

Stock image of a microscope and cubes with text reading June 24 Using Case Studies in ATE project Evaluations

June 24

In this community conversation, participants will share experiences, discuss challenges, and exchange best practices for using case studies in ATE project evaluations. For those new to this approach, it’s a chance to learn, ask questions, and explore how case studies can enhance project evaluations.

Image of a megaphone with text reading July 15 2025 Planning and Delivering Effective Conference Presentationsf or Project Dissemination

July 15

This community conversation will bring together ATE PIs, project evaluators, and staff to discuss strategies for planning and delivering impactful conference presentations to disseminate project findings effectively. Participants will share their experiences, tips for engaging audiences, and best practices for presenting project results clearly and compellingly.


What to Expect from Community Conversations

You are welcome

We welcome anyone interested in evaluation to attend.

Say cheese

All participants are encouraged to have their webcams on.

Get ready to chat

We ask that all participants take part in the conversation.

Meet new people

Plan to meet some new people to add to your network.

Have fun

Community conversations are discussions on evaluation—of course they're fun!

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.