The Formative Assessment Systems for ATE project (FAS4ATE) focuses on assessment practices that serve the ongoing evaluation needs of projects and centers. Determining these information needs and organizing data collection activities is a complex and demanding task, and we’ve used logic models as a way to map them out. Over the next five weeks, we offer a series of blog posts that provide examples and suggestions of how you can make formative assessment part of your ATE efforts. – Arlen Gullickson, PI, FAS4ATE

Week 4 – Why making changes based on evidence is important

At the Mentor-Connect: Leadership Development and Outreach for ATE project (, formative feedback guides the activities we provide and resources we develop. It is the compass that keeps us heading in the direction of greatest impact. I’ll share three examples of how feedback in the different stages of the project’s life cycle helped us adapt the project. The first was feedback from an outside source; the second two were based on our internal feedback processes.

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The initial Mentor-Connect technical assistance workshop for each cohort focuses on developing grant writing skills for the NSF ATE program. The workshop was originally designed to serve teams of two STEM faculty members from participant colleges; however, we were approached by grant writers from those colleges who also wanted to attend. On a self-pay basis, we welcomed these additional participants. Post-workshop surveys and conversations with grant writers at the event indicated that during the workshop we should offer a special breakout session just for grant writers so that issues specific to their role in the grant development and submission process could be addressed. This breakout session was added and is now integral to our annual workshop.

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Second, feedback from our mentors about our activities caused us to change the frequency of our face-to-face workshops. Mentors reported that the nine-month time lag between the project’s January face-to-face workshop with mentors and the college team’s submission of a proposal the following October made it hard to maintain momentum. Mentors yearned for more face-to-face time with their mentees and vice versa. As a result, a second face-to-face workshop was added the following July. Evaluation feedback from this second gathering of mentors and mentees was resoundingly positive. This second workshop is now incorporated as a permanent part of Mentor-Connect’s annual programming.

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Finally, one of our project outputs helps us keep our project on track. We use a brief reporting form that indicates a team’s progress along a grant development timeline. Mentors and their mentees independently complete and submit the same form. When both responses indicate “ahead of schedule” or “on time” or even “behind schedule,” this consensus is an indicator of good communications between the mentor and his or her college team. They are on the same page. If we observe a disconnect between the mentee’s and mentor’s progress reports, this provides an early alert to the Mentor-Connect team that an intervention may be needed with that mentee/mentor team. Most interventions prompted by this feedback process have been effective in getting the overall proposal back on track for success.

With NSF ATE projects, PIs have the latitude and are expected to make adjustments to improve project outcomes. After all, it is a grant and not a contract. NSF expects you to behave like a scientist and adjust based on evidence. So, don’t be glued to your original plan! Change can be a good thing. The key is to listen to those who provide feedback, study your evaluation data, and adjust accordingly.

About the Authors

Elaine Craft

Elaine Craft

Director, South Carolina Advanced Technological Education Center of Excellence, Florence-Darlington Technical College

Elaine Craft has served as Director of the National Science Foundation-funded South Carolina Advanced Technological (SC ATE) Center of Excellence since 1994. Currently, she serves as Principal Investigator (PI) for the NSF ATE-funded Mentor-Connect: Leadership Development and Outreach for ATE project and as Co-PI for the SC ATE National Resource Center for Expanding Excellence in Technician Education both based at Florence-Darlington Technical College, Florence, SC. She also serves as Co-PI for the NSF ATE Regional Center for Aviation and Automotive Technology Education using Virtual E-Schools (CA2VES) based at Clemson University, SC, and co-leader for the Community College Technical Assistance project based at Collin County Community College, Frisco, TX. In addition, Craft is President/CEO of SCATE Inc., a 501(c)(3), not-for-profit corporation created in 2005 to promote systemic change in Advanced Technological Education and help sustain the SC ATE Center of Excellence. For SCATE Inc., Craft conducts and/or oversees external evaluation of projects funded by the National Science Foundation, US Department of Education, US Department of Labor, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and US Department of Agriculture as well as curriculum development, program improvement, and faculty development focused on problem-based learning. She received her B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Mississippi and an MBA from the University of South Carolina.

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Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.