Learning about Evaluation for Professional Development

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Introduction to the Professional Development Formative Assessment System

An overview of the Professional Development Formative Assessment System’s history, rationale, ideas and principles.

Professional Development Evaluation Checklist (full version)

Use this full checklist (12 pages) to discover all the things you could do to integrate assessment and evaluation into a Professional Development (PD) program.

Professional Development Evaluation Checklist (short version)

Use this quick checklist (1.5 pages) to check that you’ve covered the basics to integrate assessment and evaluation into your PD program.

Pre-Assessments: Effective Design and Use

Use this guide to learn about pre-assessments, reflect on the quality of any you already have and design good ones for your PD program.

Professional Development Application Template

Use this template to set up your PD registration or application process to collect data for evaluation and assessment.

A Guide for Developing Learning Objectives

Use this guide to review/refine or develop the learning objectives for your PD program.

A Guide for Learning Objectives to Analyze Deep and Surface Learning

Use this guide to learn about the difference between surface and deep learning and how to ensure your PD learning objectives scaffold from one to the other.

A Summary of Pedagogies Suited to Types of Learning

Use this summary to identify and apply appropriate pedagogical (teaching) strategies for surface and deep learning

A Guide to Rethinking Quizzes

Use this guide to explore the difference between quizzes used for summative and formative assessment.

A Guide to Test Development

Use this document to think through your assessment tasks and ensure the learning objectives are adequately addressed.

Guides for Integrating Assessment and Evaluation throughout Professional Development

Use these guides to explore the difference between formative and summative assessments and strategies to integrate formative assessment into your PD or classroom teaching.

Participant Follow-up Template

Use this template to prepare your PD participants to report back to you after the PD program, and to structure that follow up survey.

A Guide on Gathering Student Level Data

Use this guide to consider the student level data you could collect related to your PD program.

A Guide to Stakeholders involved in the Evaluation

Use this guide to decide who should be involved and how in the evaluation of your PD program.

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.