Kathleen Lis Dean 
Dr. Dean brings extensive experience helping organizations connect strategy, evaluation, and learning for program improvement and impact. Her career spans over two decades collaborating with higher education, nonprofit, and philanthropic organizations. Dean draws on her research in boundary-spanning teams, strategic thinking, and organizational learning to help clients achieve their vision. She is a member of the American Evaluation Association and Ohio Program Evaluators’ Group. While at the University of Maryland, Dean earned her doctorate degree in Higher Education Policy and Leadership. She received a master’s degree in Education and a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the University of Delaware.
Julia Siwierka 
Dr. Siwierka has several years of experience in program evaluation and applied research methods within educational and youth organizations and community-based initiatives. Siwierka is a member of the American Evaluation Association and Ohio Program Evaluators’ Group. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Theatre Arts at Dominican University and a master’s and doctorate degree in Community Psychology from Wichita State University.