Who is eligible to join?

Are you a part of the ATE evaluation community, preparing an ATE proposal, or just interested in learning more about evaluation? Then you are welcome to join the EvaluATE Slack Network! 

This community is open to anyone interested in ATE or STEM evaluation. We encourage all members of the ATE evaluation community to join. There are designated channels for ATE evaluators, ATE principal investigators, and those interested in submitting ATE proposals, as well as general channels where everyone can engage. 

What is Slack? 

Slack is a free, online community workspace, that allows organizations to communicate through channels around specific topics. Slack is accessible through a web browser or desktop or mobile app. Check out the introduction video below or our Tips for Using Slack handout to learn more about Slack. 

What if we want to dive deeper into a topic? 

EvaluATE also hosts quarterly webchats. Our webchats are small group discussions about ATE evaluation topics. Webchats will be announced through our Slack community, website, and social media accounts. Anyone is welcome to join, but space is limited, and contribution to the discussion is highly encouraged. 

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 2332143. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.