Webinar title: Evaluation Essentials for Non-Evaluators: Understanding the Basics and Benefits of Evaluation"
Upcoming Webinar

Evaluation Essentials for Non-Evaluators: Understanding the Basics and Benefits of Evaluation

Submitting a proposal to the National Science Foundation Advanced Technical Education (ATE) program can be overwhelming. One of the many proposal requirements involves submitting a detailed evaluation plan of your project activities. This webinar is designed for project PIs, staff, grants professionals, and other non-evaluators new to evaluation or those who want a basic refresher. We will cover the fundamental concepts of what evaluation is, why it is important, and how it can benefit your project. In addition, we will share practical strategies for finding and selecting an evaluator for your proposal, including what to do if your institution doesn’t allow the selection of an evaluator before your grant is awarded. While this webinar is geared towards those submitting NSF ATE proposals, the content will benefit those submitting proposals in other NSF programs or STEM education contexts. Bring any and all questions about evaluation!

Event Details
June 26, 2024
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EST

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